techguru0 appreciate the time you took into creating this and that you decided to share it, thank you!
I would also just add removing all logs:
rm -rf /var/log/openpanel
and the install log from /root
and a few leftover services:
# floating ip
service floatingip stop
systemctl disable floatingip
rm -rf /etc/systemd/system/floatingip.service
# logrotate
rm -rf /etc/logrotate.d/openpanel
rm -rf /etc/logrotate.d/syslog
systemctl daemon-reload
also ufw/csf is added by openpanel and these:
packages=("" "default-mysql-client" "python3-pip" "pip" "gunicorn" "jc" "sqlite3" "geoip-bin" "xfsprogs")