Hi , i have a same problem with new installation , i see log install and i find this :
root@hitweb:~# cat /root/openpanel_install.log
/ __ \ | __ \ | |
| | | | _ __ ___ _ __ | |__) | __ _ _ __ ___ | |
| | | '_ \ / _ | '_ \ | _/ / " ' \ / _ | |
| || |) __/| | | | | | | (| | | /| |
_/ | ./ _| || || _,||| || ___|||
| |
No currently installed hosting control panels or webservers found. Proceeding with the installation process.
Starting the installation of OpenPanel. This process will take approximately 5-10 minutes.
During this time, we will:
- Install necessary services and tools.
- Create an admin account for you.
- Set up the firewall for enhanced security.
- Install needed Docker images.
- Set up basic hosting plans so you can start right away.
Thank you for your patience. We're setting everything up for your seamless OpenPanel experience!
Updating package manager..
Installing required services..
Updating certificates..
Installing services..
Installing python3-flask
Installing python3-pip
Installing docker.io
Installing docker-compose
Installing nginx
Installing mysql-server
Installing zip
Installing unzip
Installing bind9
Installing gunicorn
Installing jq
Installing ufw
Installing jc
Installing certbot
Installing python3-certbot-nginx
Installing goaccess
Installing clamav
Installing sqlite3
Installing geoip-bin
Setting up the firewall..
Setting up User panel..
Installing PIP requirements for User panel..
Setting the API service for website screenshots..
Setting up Admin panel..
Installing PIP requirements for Admin panel..
Creating Admin user..
Setting OpenPanel CLI scripts..
opencli commands are now available.
Creating directories for logs..
Setting Nginx configuration..
Tweaking MySQL configuration..
Populating the 'panel' database..
Database is ready.
Docker is configured.
Cleaning up..
Starting services..
Downloading docker images in the background..
Checking if SSL can be generated for the server hostname..
Setting cronjobs..
Creating hosting plans..
/usr/local/admin/scripts/docker/update_images: line 175: /usr/local/panel/DOCKER/images/apache.tar.gz: No such file or directory
Other i look this :
root@hitweb:~# lsof -i :80
nginx 13372 root 6u IPv4 62348 0t0 TCP ns3108786.ip-54-38-81.eu:http (LISTEN)
nginx 13373 www-data 6u IPv4 62348 0t0 TCP ns3108786.ip-54-38-81.eu:http (LISTEN)
nginx 13374 www-data 6u IPv4 62348 0t0 TCP ns3108786.ip-54-38-81.eu:http (LISTEN)
nginx 13375 www-data 6u IPv4 62348 0t0 TCP ns3108786.ip-54-38-81.eu:http (LISTEN)
nginx 13376 www-data 6u IPv4 62348 0t0 TCP ns3108786.ip-54-38-81.eu:http (LISTEN)
nginx 13377 www-data 6u IPv4 62348 0t0 TCP ns3108786.ip-54-38-81.eu:http (LISTEN)
nginx 13378 www-data 6u IPv4 62348 0t0 TCP ns3108786.ip-54-38-81.eu:http (LISTEN)
nginx 13379 www-data 6u IPv4 62348 0t0 TCP ns3108786.ip-54-38-81.eu:http (LISTEN)
nginx 13380 www-data 6u IPv4 62348 0t0 TCP ns3108786.ip-54-38-81.eu:http (LISTEN)
My OS fresh install is : Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS
I try 3 time install OS and Adminpanel = same problem current .. I don't possibility cerate user or edit plan or create plan or change Custom Domain Name
0 "Error: hitweb could not be set as the domain name."
I need your help 🙂
Regards ,